Lascaux Hall of the Bulls - Running from the Hunters
by Weston Westmoreland
Lascaux Hall of the Bulls - Running from the Hunters
Weston Westmoreland
Digital Art - Digital Oil Painting
Hall of the Bulls, Running from the Hunter. Lascaux, France. Digital painting.
Wider view of the Unicorn of the Hall of the Bulls in relation with the animals around it.
This figure, known as "the Unicorn", is one of the most intriguing cave paintings you will ever come across. If not the most.
The first creature you'd see if you came into the Hall of the Bulls in Lascaux through the original entrance and the only one that can also be seen from the side passage, it is not, in contrast with the rest, a graceful creature.
Nevertheless, what it lacks in beauty it makes up for tenfold in mystery. There are different theories as to what it represents: Some say it is a compendium of features from the most meaningful animals represented in Lascaux, a collage of sorts.
Others, including us, believe it represents two hunters hiding under a cow fur: Their legs are black, separated from the white pelt in lines that follow the shape of the hanging fur.The pelt hangs creating a misshapen stomach, and there is a second line next to the hind legs hinting at the pelt hanging loose on the other side too. The Hind legs are too small and look more human than animal, both in shape and position, although the feet are missing. The hunter at the front takes care of their two spears.
If you take a wider look of the panel you will see it is also the only creature not running, wile the rest of the animals seem to run from it.
So, what do you think? Collage, hunters, something entirely different...?
It is hard to find another panel of such beauty, both in color and in variety amongst the most fine and exquisite paintings of the paleolithic.
Aurochs or bulls, deer, horses, this panel is full of energy and life. The peculiar style and variety of figures together in a continuous composition set Lascaux as one of the big caves, along with Altamira, Chauvet or Niaux, to mention some of the most amazing caves so far discovered.
The paintings in Lascaux date from the Magdalenian age, about 15-17,000 ybp.
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Weston Westmoreland.
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November 6th, 2018