Marsoulas - Dotted Bison
by Weston Westmoreland
Marsoulas - Dotted Bison
Weston Westmoreland
Digital Art - Digital Oil Painting
Red dotted Bison in Marsoulas Cave, France. Digital oil painting.
Detail of the red dotted bison on the main panel in Marsoulas cave. This panel, 13,000 years old, is a rich polychromy of various animals inter-crossed with carvings of many others.Bison, horses, antelope, deer... a view into the magical and spiritual world of our ancestors. Simply breathtaking.
Marsoulas cave is not as famous as Chauvet, Lascaux, Niaux or Altamira, but is also full of amazing paintings like this one.
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Weston Westmoreland.
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Шове, Ласко, Альтамира, пещерное искусство, бизон, пещерный медведь, медведь, пещерный лев, лев, бизон, олень, бык, мамонт, лошадь, корова, носорог, палеолитический, доисторический
art rupestre, bison, ours des cavernes, ours, lion des cavernes, Lion, bison, cerf, taureau, mammouth, cheval, vache, rhinocéros, paléolithique, préhistorique
December 24th, 2016