Niaux Goat
by Weston Westmoreland
Niaux Goat
Weston Westmoreland
Painting - Digital Oil Painting
Goat in Niaux Cave, France. Digital oil painting.
Detail of a beautiful monochrome goat painted in the Salon Noir or Black Hall of the cave of Niaux, in the French department of Ariege.
One of the greatest painted caves ever found, and the only one that can still be visited, Niaux is probably the most real and intimate cave art related experience you can live nowadays.
The cave of Niaux grants us a long walk deep into the mountain, into a big cave of ample chambers, the size of which is probably the reason why we can visit without damaging the Magdalenian paintings. The cave is not lit, the ground has not been adapted, you walk by torchlight... At the end of this speleological walk, some 800 yards long, we find the impressive panel called as the Salon Noir.
The paintings in Niaux are monochrome and feature many different animals. Not as old as the ones in Chauvet, those paintings are over 15,000 years old, as the cave art seen in Altamira, Lascaux, or Ekain.
MORE amazing CAVE ART just one copy-paste away in my Prehistoric Gallery:
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Weston Westmoreland.
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December 24th, 2016