Psyche Revived by Cupids Kiss 04
by Weston Westmoreland
Psyche Revived by Cupids Kiss 04
Weston Westmoreland
Photograph - Photograph
Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss, by Antonio Canova. Louvre Museum, Paris. Rear detail.
Rear detail view of Canova's neoclassical masterpiece at the Louvre Museum in Paris.
Psyche, poisoned by the fumes from a flask she was told not to open, is on the brink of death. Cupid rushes to her rescue, pricking her with an arrow and reviving her with a kiss.
Also known as Psyche's Love or The Kiss, this piece is regarded as a masterpiece of Neoclassical sculpture. It shows the god Cupid in the height of love and tenderness, immediately after awakening the lifeless Psyche with a kiss, at a moment of great emotion characteristic of the Romanticism. The story of Cupid and Psyche is taken from Lucius Apuleius' Latin novel The Golden Ass.
The Kiss has no defined point of view and observers are expected to move around the piece in order to appreciate the work in its whole magnitude. To display different views of the carving, a handle was added to the base, so the whole piece could be rotated.
The Louvre is probably the biggest museum in the world and, full of universal masterpieces, and built upon through the centuries until it reached its actual magnificence beyond its contents.
As for Paris... what can one say about the City of Light that has not already been said...?
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Weston Westmoreland
October 27th, 2020