UK Parachute Regiment Emblem
by Weston Westmoreland
UK Parachute Regiment Emblem
Weston Westmoreland
Photograph - Photograph
UK Parachute Regiment Emblem.
The Parachute Regiment, known as the Paras, is an elite airborne infantry regiment of the British Army.
The Paras are the only line infantry regiment of the British Army that has not been amalgamated with another unit since the end of the Second World War.
The Parachute Regiment was formed on 22 June 1940 during the Second World War and raised 17 battalions. In Europe, these battalions formed part of the 1st Airborne Division, the 6th Airborne Division and the 2nd Independent Parachute Brigade Group. Another three battalions served with the British Indian Army in India and Burma. The regiment took part in six major parachute assault operations in North Africa, Italy, Greece, France, the Netherlands and Germany, often landing ahead of all other troops.
They had a significant role on D-Day where they jumped on the eastern limit of the landing beaches, helped taking the famous Pegasus Bridge and took the Merville battery with a remnant of their numbers after staggering losses when landing on flooded and booby-trapped terrain. The US 101 airborne jumped around Saint Mere L'Eglise on the western limit at the same time.
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January 15th, 2019