Altamira Prehistoric Bison at rest detail
by Weston Westmoreland
Altamira Prehistoric Bison at rest detail
Weston Westmoreland
Digital Art - Digital Oil Painting
Prehistoric Bison at rest, from Altamira, Spain. Digital painting.
Original artwork, used for the cover of the motion picture soundtrack album of the film Altamira, by Mark Knopfler and Evelyn Glennie.
The bison in Altamira are beyond any doubt amongst the most fine and exquisite paintings of the Paleolithic. It is difficult to find bison of similar delicacy in Lascaux, Chauvet or Niaux, to mention some of the most amazing caves so far discovered.
This painting of a female bison at rest was made from a carbon copy Abbott Henri Breuil drew straight off the ceiling of the cave in 1906, in order to bring to light the delicate work that unfortunately was quite deteriorated and in many parts nearly invisible.
These crouching bison, known as "bisonte encogido" were painted in this position to adapt the images to, or inspired by, the natural bulges of the ceiling, thus conferring them a magical third dimension. The effect, under electric light, is simply breathtaking. How it would be to see these images as they were meant to be seen, under firelight, with all those elegant mammals alive in the flickering flame... I wish I could.
We do not know what our ancestors painted for. We will probably never know. It is believed they did not paint what they actually hunted. The most accepted theory is that they had some shamanic, spiritual, purpose. The paintings on the cave walls would come to life under the firelight, in some sort of mystical communion with the humans. I have tried, in a way, to represent that by adding some sense of fur to my painting through the brush-stroke: The great bison coming to life.
The paintings in Altamira date from the Magdalenian age, about 15-17,000 ybp.
MORE amazing CAVE ART just one copy-paste away in my Prehistoric Gallery:
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Weston Westmoreland.
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Шове, Ласко, Альтамира, пещерное искусство, бизон, пещерный медведь, медведь, пещерный лев, лев, бизон, олень, бык, мамонт, лошадь, корова, носорог, палеолитический, доисторический
art rupestre, bison, ours des cavernes, ours, lion des cavernes, Lion, bison, cerf, taureau, mammouth, cheval, vache, rhinocéros, paléolithique, préhistorique
October 6th, 2016