Ekain Cave Two Horses
by Weston Westmoreland
Ekain Cave Two Horses
Weston Westmoreland
Digital Art - Digital Oil Painting
Two Horses from Ekain Cave in the Basque Country, Spain. Digital oil painting.
One of the most exquisite panels of horses you can find in any of the European paleolithic caves.The detailed heads and the dark stripes on withers, forearm and gaskin depict a horse species that roamed Europe during the last glaciation, "Przewalski's horse" (Equus ferus przewalskii). This same species can be found in Lascaux and other caves. Przewalski's horse is not extinct as many believe, but was on the verge of vanishing forever in the 20th century. It is nowadays an extremely endangered species trying to survive in a single reserve in Mongolia.
Most "wild" horses today, such as the American Mustang or the Australian Brumby, are actually feral horses descended from domesticated animals that escaped and adapted to life in the wild. In contrast, Przewalski's horse, also known as takhi, has never been domesticated and remains the only truly wild horse in the world today.
The panel of the Horses in Ekain is considered as one of the most fine and sets this less known cave among the greatest five ever found, along with and not behind Altamira, Lascaux, Chauvet and Niaux.
Less known than the French caves due to a much lower degree of publicity and touristic exploitation, the Spanish caves are many and equal in richness and artistry to those in France. Altamira, the first to ever be found was considered a fake at the time because nobody considered the paleolithic man was capable of such delicate art.
Ekain, discovered in the sixties, has been kept preserved and inaccessible to the general public until a breathtaking new generation replica was opened four years ago.
I have visited this place several times and my son was named after it. One of those moving places where you can feel the presence of our ancestors and almost touch the hands that painted those walls...
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Weston Westmoreland.
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December 31st, 2017