Gua Tewet - Tree of Life
by Weston Westmoreland
Gua Tewet - Tree of Life
Weston Westmoreland
Digital Art - Digital Oil Painting
Gua Tewet, tree of life, Borneo, Indonesia. Digital oil painting.
The paintings inside Gua Tewet, known as the Tree of Life because of the lines or branches interconecting the negative stenciled hands, date back to over 10,000 years ago.
One of the most gracious examples of rock art found in Borneo, Gua Tewet is made of two medium-sized rock shelters dug into a karstic peak, above the Marang River.
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Weston Westmoreland.
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art rupestre, bison, ours des cavernes, ours, lion des cavernes, Lion, bison, cerf, taureau, mammouth, cheval, vache, rhinocéros, paléolithique, préhistorique
February 27th, 2018