Lascaux Hall of the Bulls - Aurochs
by Weston Westmoreland
Lascaux Hall of the Bulls - Aurochs
Weston Westmoreland
Digital Art - Digital Oil Painting
Lascaux Hall Of The Bulls, Aurochs. Digital oil painting.
The second auroch on the left panel of the Hall of the bulls looks left, together with the wonderful tiny deer, and faces the rest of the animals coming from that side.
It is hard to find another panel of such beauty, both in color and in variety amongst the most fine and exquisite paintings of the paleolithic.
Aurochs or bulls, deer, horses, and the uncanny figure called the unicorn, in which many recognize two hunters with spears under a piece of fur, this panel is full of energy and life. The peculiar style and variety of figures together in a continuous composition set Lascaux as one of the big caves, along with Altamira, Chauvet or Niaux, to mention some of the most amazing caves so far discovered.
The paintings in Lascaux date from the Magdalenian age, about 15-17,000 ybp.
MORE amazing CAVE ART just one copy-paste away in my Prehistoric Gallery:
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Weston Westmoreland.
肖維, 拉斯科, 阿爾塔米拉, 洞穴藝術, 野牛, 洞熊, 熊, 洞獅子, 獅子, 野牛, 鹿, 公牛, 長毛象, 馬, 牛, 犀牛, 舊石器時代的, 史前,
ショーベ, ラスコー, アルタミラ, 洞窟芸術, バイソン, 洞窟の熊, くま, 洞窟のライオン, ライオン, バイソン, 鹿, ブル, マンモス, うま, 牛, サイコロ, 古石器, 先史時代の
Шове, Ласко, Альтамира, пещерное искусство, бизон, пещерный медведь, медведь, пещерный лев, лев, бизон, олень, бык, мамонт, лошадь, корова, носорог, палеолитический, доисторический
art rupestre, bison, ours des cavernes, ours, lion des cavernes, Lion, bison, cerf, taureau, mammouth, cheval, vache, rhinocéros, paléolithique, préhistorique
November 19th, 2016