General View of the Khmer Temple Angkor Wat
by Weston Westmoreland
General View of the Khmer Temple Angkor Wat
Weston Westmoreland
Photograph - Photograph
I had always wanted to go to Angkor Wat. Since childhood. It was, to me, one of these places that simply cannot exist. Too beautiful, to magical to be real. I went there on my honeymoon.
When I arrived in Angkor Wat I felt like crying. It was about two in the afternoon and the place was so crammed with tourists, tourists everywhere and people selling all sorts of stupid mementos and souvenirs, Coke, you name it. The cruel reality was so far apart from my idealized concept that I just wanted to leave and never return.
Fortunately, I had reservations for another two days so we looked around a little and returned the following day first hour.
And it was basically empty.
I felt, once again, like crying, but this time for the right reasons.
This picture is from that morning.
I will be back some day.
February 8th, 2014